Risultati per 'Float glass plant':

Di seguito l'elenco dei risultati di ricerca trovati rilevanti per la keyword 'Float glass plant':

Risultati maggiormente rilevanti:

 float glass - wikipedia
Float glass line. Float glass uses common glass-making raw materials, typically consisting of sand, soda ash (sodium carbonate), dolomite, limestone, and salt cake (sodium sulfate) etc.Other materials may be used as colourants, refining agents or to adjust the physical and chemical properties of the glass. The raw materials are mixed in a batch process, then fed together with a controlled ...

 the float process - step-by-step - pilkington
The Step-by-step Manufacturing of Float Glass Watch the magic of this science-based process begins to unfold, in a series of stages on a float line that may be nearly half a kilometre long. Raw materials enter at one end. From the other, plates of glass emerge, cut precisely to specification, at rates as high as 6,000 tonnes a week.

 the float process - pilkington
A float plant, which operates non-stop for between 10-15 years, makes around 6000 kilometres of glass a year in thicknesses of 0.4 mm to 25 mm and in widths up to 3 metres. The float process has been licensed to more than 40 manufacturers in 30 countries.

Altri risultati:

 float glass manufacturing | saint-gobain
Today, Saint-Gobain produces glass in numerous plants worldwide. In Europe, its business is managed by a specialist entity: Glass Industry. The so-called float line technique can continuously produce glass 24/7. It is therefore a river of glass that exits the furnace before being cooled as it progresses along its path of around 300 meters and ...

 how the float glass process has revolutionised the glass industry
A float glass plant runs non-stop for 11 to 15 years, 365 days a year, around the clock (tub travel). After that, a cold overhaul is required, during which the tub lining is renewed. To illustrate: A larger float glass plant produces about 3000 square metres of glass at a thickness of 4 millimetres per hour, which corresponds to a yearly output of about 290.000 tonnes.

 the stunning carbon footprint of plate glass - ieee spectrum
A plant produces anywhere from 50 to 1,200 tonnes or more of glass per day. Most plants have a single line, with the largest float glass factories in China operating 10 or more lines at one site.

 float glass process - an overview | sciencedirect topics
A float glass plant produces 500 tons of soda-lime-silica glass a day. The design includes a 1 m wide channel between the glass tank and the tin bath. (a) At what position should the tweel be set above the lipstone given that the glass melt height on the upstream side of the tweel is 15 cm. (b) Find the average velocity of the flowing glass and comment on the likelihood that the flow is laminar.

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