Résultats de la recherche pour 'Pneumatic transport system':

Ci-dessous la liste des résultats de recherche pertinents trouvé pour le mot-clé 'Pneumatic transport system':

La plupart des résultats pertinents:

 pneumatic tube - wikipedia
Pneumatic tubes (or capsule pipelines, also known as pneumatic tube transport or PTT) are systems that propel cylindrical containers through networks of tubes by compressed air or by partial vacuum. They are used for transporting solid objects, as opposed to conventional pipelines which transport fluids.

 pneumatic transport - an overview | sciencedirect topics
Pneumatic transport can be classified as either vacuum delivery or pressure delivery, or by the phase of transport, such as dilute or dense. A vacuum system picks up solids at several points and delivers them to one site. For pressure conveying, pickup is made at a single point and delivered to multiple points.

 pneumatic tube – history & how it works - swisslog healthcare
The pneumatic tube software is used to transmit information about the level where individual pneumatic tube stations are located as well as where to transport the individual carriers. Most installations that operate with an air compressor use air diverters.

Plus de résultats:

 pneumatic conveying systems – coperion
Pneumatic transportation can be built as a pressure or vacuum system. The most commonly applied pneumatic conveying mode is dilute phase conveying where particles are airborne. Depending on the size, shape and weight of the particles, the gas velocity will range from 4 to 40 m/s [4,000 to 8,000 ft/min].

 how pneumatic tube transport works - explain that stuff
What is pneumatic tube transport? How does pneumatic tube transport work? Advantages and disadvantages. Typical uses. Find out more. What is pneumatic tube transport? Pneumatic tube systems (also called PTT, airlift, air transport, Lamson tubes, air tubes, and pneumatic transit systems) are amazingly simple—and best illustrated by example...

 pneumatic conveying systems and technologies - air-tec system
Bartone line conveyors. Vacuum pneumatic loaders. TPA line conveyors. Valve receiver. Diverters phase conveying. Air-Tec System provides pneumatic conveying solutions for various types of use. Innovative systems and technologies for all kinds of bulk materials handling.

 pneumatic conveying systems - powderprocess.net
Pneumatic conveying systems are used to transfer bulk solids materials (powder, granule...) in pipes by using a gas, most of the time air, as the transport medium. Although simple in appearance, many design and operational parameters must be well mastered to implement a successful pneumatic conveying system.

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